Friday, April 09, 2021

Destination destiny

Destination destiny

Walking this long road I feel lonely at times,

Sounding like a cacophony of a million different rhymes.

Everyday is journey for a few miles out,

The tired bones head back home every night without doubt.

Bored of the repetitive routes I had etched to date,

Would uncharted territories change my fate?

Little did I guess where all I would roam,

As I limped back in pain, I barely made it home.

As I sat down and reflected on my whim,

Wondering if I should ever attempt to swim?

Resigning myself to my karma, I decided to float

Telling myself "Hang on to that steady boat"

Life is best when the sailing is smooth,

Concluded I had that that was the truth.

Until the monotony seeped in again,

And I started dreaming of catching a moving train.

As I ate, slept, worked and passed on the next day,

I realized I was missing every little ray.

Stuck indeed I was with an invisible self-made yoke,

All along, sleeping was I , but now I'm woke.

I took to the sails in the ravaging storm,

I held my breath and maintained my calm.

A broken bone and a bleeding arm,

Now, I would trade that over any good luck charm!